Friday, June 21, 2013

("All  life  one " --Matt  Ridley )

Scientists  say  and  I too  believe
without  Water  life  would   not  be  here
 Without  Stromatolites , --plants  would  not  be
without  Aquatic  life  amphibians   would  be a  hoax
and  with  no  quadruped   biped  would    be  a  lie .

Without those chimps  and  baboons , we  would  not  come
Even  without   plant  -life   land  life  won't  be
Even with no   ants  and  birds -- men  won't  Survive
Still, even  more   they  say --------
we  the  humans  are a  damn   MINORITY  on Earth
Microbes  and  germs  are  ' Democratic Majority '
Yet , --we  boast  of  our  'Independence '  and  supremacy
and  deny  the  Unified  State  of  Existence  of
this  simulated  multiple forms !
or   indivisible  UNITY  of   Cosmic Existence   !

And  does it  not  lead  to  another  form  of  fact
 that  we  the  advanced   Homo- sa-piens    are
 really, -  hyper-conscious  beings  with  Bi-focal  Deformity  !

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