Saturday, June 22, 2013

well! . -- now  I admit
 as  I  grew  more  and  learnt
or  claimed  myself  as     learned   -that
 the  more  I lived , -the  less  I  understood
the  World  I  live  now in !

Where is  the  ROOT?
 how   the  branching  out
 where  does  finish  the  link or  re-unite
 with  me  or  without
Or ,  how  and when  these  all
 will  re-wind  or  re-turn !

 As  I am resting
 they  tell, -- I  am  moving
 faster  than a Jet   in  Stellar-  Space
and  when  moving ; I  am   going  nowhere
 outside  me
Where  does  it   end  , --this  structural  Void
Who    first  sowed  this  seed
 this  sprouting  to   lively  bud
or   this   green-spread  game  of  living
and when -----
will  this  spectrum   game   will  end  
and how  ?
Composed : 22/ 06 / 2013.

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