Monday, June 24, 2013

E  of  Octave

Such  abrupt  meeting  ;  UN-expected  way
some  exchanging  words ; some  life-size  talks
 some  momentary  dazzle , as  if ,-- from  above
 so much  friendly  flickers    in-between  talks
 and  your  tears , -as  I  recited  my  poem --absorbed !
 this   meeting   beyond  sensual   world
 the  mute  poetic   meeting  of   friendly  hearts
creating waves  !

Today  , on this  western Pacific  coast
memories are   waves  with  braking  crest
 fall on  each  other  , as if in trance !
The  oceanic wind  now  almost  wild !
and  the  entwined   feeling  of  two  hearts  so  apart !
No !,   none   will    know,  this   experience of  non-physical love .

Now  , as  and  when  I   leave  this   debt  behind
 Time  is  signalling  me  from   the  horizon  beyond
reminding  my  Sun-set  time .
 Some  crimson   hue   even  play  on  darkening  Sky
 as if ,   the  last  'print-out'  of  this    friendly  love  !

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