Saturday, June 22, 2013

Uttarakhand floods: Next 48 hours crucial for survivors

Zee News - ‎8 minutes ago‎

Some  caal it corruption 
 ohers named it  'POLITICS'
 may have  other  myriad  names  and  forms 
 may  be  local   - or 
wide-spread 'Organised -norm '
 and  en-trenched  or  implanted for  six  decads  now  !
 like the  quote  from  that  great  poem  once  I read :
"  last  week  in  Babylon , last  night  in  ROME
and  morning  in  LONDOM " -in  superficial  sense.

 To day  i  am  writing a  poem  from  Indian  Stage 
 where   by  " Hymalayan Tsunami '  as they  named 
 made   mor  500  dead  and  sixty  thousand  trapped 
and  politicians  are  blaming  gods  and   oppositions  on equal  terms !
 And  yet  -----------------------

The obvious   fact  and  NAKED  TRUTH  -  I  think 
The  Athorities  and  responsibles  were   too  slumbering to  learn
the   need  of  being  Pro-Active  on  SERVICE-Term !

Rro - Active  ?  :  must  be  an  alien   logo or  term. -perhaps 
for serving  people    after  all  Voting -time , I  think .

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