Monday, June 24, 2013

G  of  Octave
Even  now   sometimes,   Springs do  come
sings   within, smiles  ;even  tease
 through  this  'Autumn -Fall  of  life'
and  memory  takes   up  myriad  forms .

This  long  - long  life  on  longer  path
 throughout   -----------
 all  these  accounting  and  'balance-sheet  '  drawn
 in-spite  of  wearing out  time .

On the   last  scene on  the  Stage , --you  came
like  a  poem .
 Some   words ,  some  verse ; seems  so  unreal  like  dream !
Let  memory   strife  and  thrive  with  scattered  sparks
 that   blossoming  time  of  friendly love  and   spring
 with  reciting poems  like  duets !
And   all  long :
 in between ,- those stretched  out  gaps ,  missing  link
let  them  too  remain.

If such  spring  do visit  again
 I   shall    muse :
Friend ,  what  we  got  is  enough  in life
and  whatever  the  loss   in  whichever  way
 were  but  the  complimentary   dots  and   gaps
 of   a  beautiful  verse   and --
they   all  will   remain   so  much  alive
with  me  ;  within  me  until  the  final  day
 my  dear !

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