Sunday, June 30, 2013


Birth -day , I  think , is a  Western  concept
and  relates  to  our   'body '  not    to Soul
In  Oriental   Faith  ,   body  is  recognized  not
our  real  identity  is   our  immortal   SOUL.

My   body  was  freed  from  my  mothers  womb
 for  a  Cosmic  play  on  29th  of  march , 1929.
My  date   of  Birth  was  made  , July  1st , 1931
not  decided  by  me  but  some  social  norm, perhaps .

Which  one   my  birth - day;   don't   know .- nor  care
for  my   ID  is not my  body  but   Soul
I declare it   now  as  confusion   is  not  fare
and  Truth  is  my  ideal  and  ever my  Goal .

That  birth-day   was really,  my  new posting
My  death  will  be  again   a  'Fare-well ' date
Take  it  any  way  , but   faith  be   the  guide
Joy  and   Bliss  ; Divine's  sanctioned  'Play '.
Composed : July , 1st,2013  9 - 30 am .

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