Saturday, June 29, 2013

In  this  Solar  sphere 
with  trillionth  bit  or less 
of  the  sun -shine 
received  or lost 
our  days and  nights  are  born 
What  more  puzzling  mystic  design 
you  keep  in , zillions  of  stellar  space 
or  billions  of   Galactic  STAGE!

This   our Earth , not even a speck of  dust 
yet   symbolize  your  eternal  pulsating   Joy 
in   octave-Music   of   symphomy  of  Life.
Even  then  here
 are  temples , Churches  and   Mosques 
 that sing  in  your praise  with   faith  and for   union 
  with  your mystic love.

Me   an  Atheist   they  declare , though 
I have  ever   searched  and  sought  you  out 
 in  every corner  or  space  .
exploring  all  contrast   betwixt  you
and  also  my  own  DIVINE 
the  identity  or   contrast   and unity  of  every  faith  and  shape
and  the  ultimate  synthesis  of  all 
against  THOU ,  supreme  DIVINE . 

Then  at  once   I  can  find  
the  whole  Cosmos  through out your  Galactic  space 
trillions --trillions   of  Temple -lights   glow 
 in  stellar luminous  joy  on eve-time SKY
 revealing your face 
And  then   I  expand    in  joy 
 discovering  your  eternal  effulgent  immutable  face .

When    whole   COSMOS  is    at  your  feet  in  living   stance 
should  i  be  seeking   YOU  
at   'Temple  step '  of  any  form !

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