Thursday, January 16, 2014

        SUN-SET   MUSE  !
Why you  forget  so often   and why
why  these  days
 reminiscences  is  so  frail  and  waning thin
Is  it  that
 Time itself   these  days
does  not  keep its  own   time  and  schedule -and
so  easily  evades  its own   obligations
and so  much  !

There   on  the  fur - flung   azure  Sky
 thinning     clouds beyond
like  young , Indian  widowhood
 float   or  slide    on  hot, summer    space

on  this   polished  marbled-floor
and  in sudden   drop
some  sensitive  utility  glass
crash  down  with   pathetic  cry   !

Even  otherwise
with   frightening  thrust
the  super  -sensitive  delicate
tiny  pot  of   amorous  scent  --  falls  down
and  in  invisible  tragic  trance
floats   high
only to thin  out  to  Nothingness
and  I  don't  know
 why  !

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