Thursday, January 23, 2014


Nothing  happens   single  time,   as   my  Soul desires
on  issues  of  Love  ; even   in case   of  hatred
getting  rid of  something  or   drawing   some   one  close
no!  none  of   them happen  either  way  up to  my  Soul's  content .

Some  where  some thing  has  Cracked  in  my   soul
Can't  even spend  Time  looking  on , or  touching  close
Hiding  my  head    within   my    breast   to  adore  your face
or  to  shape   myself    unto your Desire  or
to   search  you  out    like   my   deeper  love .

Somewhere  something  has   snapped ; all  knots  are  getting loose
unified  with  my  inner  soul ,  does    anything  more  remains
do not  get  anything  close  to me   to  define as  Love
can't  even  shed  my    tears  in  your  distress, though !

Shall  it  be  then  thus ;  that  all   my  coming  days  will   fail
and  fall ;   before   the    setting  Sun  sleeps
where  and  how  shall  I  embrace  whom or  what
even  I  do not  know  any  more   for  my  Life  !
Old  Bengali poem  of   1970 -s : now  transliterated  for

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