Saturday, January 25, 2014

FAMILY  ISSUE  : Rental  of  HILAND -   BIRCH   I
After  long   thinking  and hesitation   I  am   intimating  my  thoughts  to  You  on personal  and  Confidential Level :
1.  Rental of    10 A    Flat  Rs  20,000'=  agrreed  totally   as   calculated .

II. Divided  into  5  parts @ Rs 4000/=  per  share  :  agree    it  is   decided  to   TREAT  Parents  as
     two   ( Separate)Units   i.e  Units x5 !
     Of  course  I have  money  and  can  pay but  feel  differently  on  moral grounds  and family -value-wise .
     My  idea  is  that :  we  are   4  units  ( 1 daughter  + 2  sons   + parents  [ as  one  Unit ])  though  5 in  number. That way  and  ideally  division should   be  on   Family   unity  & moral   ground   and  that's  why   I  mentioned   before   to  pay  half  of  Bulbl's  share i.e Rs  2500/=  per month ) ;  so that  your  mother has  to pay  50% less (  she   expressed   her  own  worries  about  her  too  much  expenses  more  than  once ).

I  assured  her  that  Jhumur  told   already  that the  total  expenses  from her  mother's  purse will not   EXCEED  her  Pension ;  so  that  her FD-s with   Interest   are ever SAFE  of  course  ultimately  for  her  off-springs  only .
  In  my last  Visit  to  Rajarhat, I  got  some   out-flow  in  her  depressive   vocal   expressions .
That  is  why  I  put  it   up   here ( as  my bad  habit    is  -- always!)  .
  Any  way;   U   may    think  over it  and  let  me  have  a  clearer  picture  about  the  Rent-  obligation  of  mine , I have  money   to  pay  . But   morally  and  family-value wise   I  think  we  are  4  units  ( though  5  in number ).
Treat my  e-mail  as  Confidential  and  allof  you  decide together  and I  shall  go  by it .

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