Thursday, January 30, 2014


The  more   I  learn   and  know
the   more  ignorant    I   find myself  
on  larger  ' Frame of  Reference '

My  Canvas   grows  so  fast
 and  my  pigments   of   love  fails   to  paint
the   Picture I  dream  
or   even   fill  it   some how
 or  splash  fast  enough
even  though  I  try  or  wish   --
so  much !
My  desire  falls behind
 and  fails   to  keep  up  with  Life !

Buddha's   Sermon  :
' Don't  desire  '   frustrates  me  more  !
If     'No desire '-- from any  level  of  Mind  or  Soul
 and  none  to embrace  more
why  was   I  given  this   ' Metamorphic    Canvas '
a  Life
and  so  much  Spectrum-paint
and  a brush   or  my  pen ? !
Instant-  Poem  (as  inspired  ) : Composed  directly  on   this  Screen ; 31  /  January / 2014

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