Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Rear  window   view
Sitting   recluse  
 no  aggressive   dream   or  commercial   scheme .

The  millennium-plus-aged  Grant Trunk  Road
within  view  -- and
I   am  Scanning   the   scene   and  speeding . crpwd.

It is   January - winter   time
 in  suburban-   Kolkata  ; Ganga-river  -side
chilly  and windy   winter here   ; this year more
as  a rare blessing though ,   the  Sun
casting  some  shine   miserly  though .

The teen-aged    labor-boy
with   tattered    shirt   --speeding
even  singing a  'Bollywood  song'
Maybe or  sure !
he is  luckier  than  me -  with  his  youth
against  poverty , in-spite  !

Near  the   glassed  window  on  a  cozy chair
with  3-  layers  of coverings   on  me
 and  a   woolen    house - coat
 I  am   almost  shivering  while   envying  that  singing  boy
and  asking  my  helper
 to get   the  room-  heater  near  by
maybe ,  I  will  need  it  any  time !
Composed : 22 / Jan / 2014

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