Thursday, January 16, 2014

READ  INDIA'S  GIFT  TO  THE  WORLD(  Complete  Works of   Swami  Vivekananda :  Vol 2; Page 511  to   513 ; 17 Th. reprint .;  Advaita  Ashram , Mayavati, Pithorgarh , India .)
I  The  very  teaching  of  Christ  could  be traced to  those   of  Buddha .
II.Discovery  of  various  chemicals   that is Modern medical  Science(  According to  Sir  William Hunter ).
III.Algebra , Geometry,Astronomy   and  adding   Zero(0)  to  Modern  Arithmatic and replacing  Roman  numbers 
IV.In Philosophy   India   is head and shoulder  ahead  of   Western  world (  as  admitted  by  the  great German philosopher  Schopenhauer).
V, Sanskrit is  now  recognized as  the  Mother- language  350  Westerv  and  Globl  Lnguages.
VI.  Aesop'  Fables  is  only   Copied   version of   Panchatantra 
VII,  India  is  the First  to  make  Cotton.
VIII, The Very  fame  ,  wealth  od  india  made  EUROPE so  desperate  to find India that resulted  in Discovery  of   America
       by  Columbus and make  him  believe  that  He  named  the people  Red  Indians .
ETC  , ETC   &  Etc.

**  THERE   is the  only   one   OCEAN  ( INDIAN  OCEAN  ) named   after  India  and  not any  other named  after  other Nations   for  the  whole  World .
   And  all  the  World  RELIGIONS  of the  WORLD  are from  INDIA  or ASIA  (one  from   any  other Continents )..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------by  Pibi

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