Monday, January 6, 2014

NEW AGE POETRY ( Sketch story ) 20

1972 :  Delhi
C,R , Park , India  ,  a  just  born  colony
of   Bengali-s  ;  the   outgrowth  of ' Exodus'
or  Refugees of 1947-  Freedom -aftermath  .

In   B- Block  the  owner  was  a  school  Teacher
idealist , honest, Moralist (  what  not !) unto  the  root
could  not raise  his   house   beyond  ;Plinth'
for  he  refused  to  bribe   the  Corporation -group
His graduate-  daughter  was   26 yrs.  old  and  UN-married  for
he  refused  ' dowry' , in  any  form , for  marriage   to  worthy  one-s
 his  Principle was  rocky - strong  and  she is    living  with  him  now .

After    4 years  and with  aging   he  had   to  bend  and  submit
with  prevailing  conditions,  Time   and   living  ; even    had  to  'retreat '
Others'  houses  were  coming  up fast  ;  his'  plinth' now   started   to grow
in  another  year  his   house  was  Complete  changing   his  '  inner- -glow '
He  is  now   a  UP-dated   man  fitting with    Modern   Life .

His  daughter  now  resugn  to  Fate ;  she   now  31 of  Age
The  father  developed a   irritable   form  burning  within  in  Rage
with aging   and  frustration  he  moved  about  and   now  a   recluse
could   not  look  at  his  daughter  face with  calm   or  any  excuse !
Day  and  night  , within a  new  HOUSE  , he   battled    himself  --within.
He   fought  against  Dowry, taught  against bribe   but    now  could  not forget
that  he  completed  his  house  but  now   leaving  behind  his   daughter  to  unknown  fate !

The   Mid-day  Sun   was  burning  high    but  that  was  nothing to  him
when  he ever  faced  his  Daughter   he  was  burning MORE  within !
Composed : 06/ Jan./2014 ( based  on  fact &  short  story  of  1970-s ).

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