Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What  are    we  and  this  world
or  the     endless  space  or  Uiverses
orthe  COSMOS   , we know   to  day  !

Is  it  some  play  of  coscious  Field
or  Super-conscious  play  or Past-time   of  the  Divine
with  HIS   GADGETS   of
 Matter  -MIND  ,    PSYCHIC  CONSCIOUS   whims
that  all  we  have   baptized as   LIVING  Beings
including  us  the  Homosa  piens !

The play  goes  on  and on   and on  like   Electrinic Tricks
that is :  2D , 3D T.v  or Video  play-s  with  and  within  US
Rising  from some  UN-fathomable  Quantum  Root !

Is  it   all  illusionary    or  \Electromagnetic  tricks  or traps
as  even  Einstein  expanded   on his  relativity - screen ?!
Or  the   pay  of   Absolute   positive  Nothingness !!??

hat is  Life  after all
If  we  are  boern  recycle  and  reborn   like  Matter- Energy 's
Convertible  Game  -or
 where  does  it  finish  or  how ?

How   does this  Cyclic  Universe  RECYCLES  
its'  etrnal  return  that    even  now  COsmolosists   admits   sometimes
VOICING    in Unision   with  ORIENTAL  VEDANTIC   Songs !!

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