Tuesday, January 7, 2014


With  Octave - cadence   and  spectrum  hue
on SUN-set  Sage
why  we    met at all ! at this   discordant Time
Was  it  PREDESTINED  or  some   mystic  whim  of  whom
Who    knows  ;   and   I  do  not !

Now can  see , -- the   crimson - Sun is  sliding  down
on  the  cerulean   and  seet  that   Cosmic -screen
with   spreading  and   Octave   spectrum-  hue !

All  time and  script  of   Earthly  play  or joy  or  love
 now  waning  down  in  final  Stance
All  festive  colors  are  fading  off
It  is  now  no  youth-time  stage
 nor spring-time  warmth.

 Now !  --my  time
 keeping  cadence  all
with SHIVA' s  DISSOLUTION   steps
and  all  the  Time !

Far ! - - too  far
I  am  stepping  now slow    to final  Script of Life
leaving  behind
all  my memories  of playing -Time.

And ----
yet  I  could  not know
why  this   magnetic meeting  STANCE
on  this  Sun-set Stage !
Is   it  some  Predestined     MYSTIC   whim  of  God
I could not know,  yet   my  dear !
Composed : Bengali  poem  2002 ; published ;  Transliteration  now.

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