Sunday, January 5, 2014


SMART  GIRL(  single -page  stiry )
1940-s summer time  in  Bengal  ; Calcutta ,  well -packed  bus
The smart  girl  returning  home ;  after  winning  a  college  Debate
the  ladies  seat  by  her  side  yet    emptywas
A  middle -aged   weak  man ( perhaps from    hospital  )
asked  ; if    he could  seat .
-'  Dont'y you  see  this   for  Ladies , Sir'--   she   demanded
' but  if  you  allow---'; and   could  not  finish ----

' Go  ahead  please "--- welll  she   spoke with  Smart  accent
The   nervous   man  stepped  ahead ;
 No  match    for  a    Debate -  winner  of  English -Medium-  World.

She  was   enjoying  her  Ego  and    personality  sharp
 and was ruminating  her    orations  while   debating  with  style !
  *****                                *****
She  was  back  home --long  tome   and  after   refreshing   was   enjoying  now
the   novel  she  was  half  through   and now the   evening  rolled   down .

'But  why   dad   is  not  yet  back ' ---- she asked  her  mother   wondering
Just   then  the  bell  rang  and  father  entered  in  now
with  a  head- bandage    stained  with  blood !

-'what happened to  you  Dad ' -- she almost  cried !-----
'Nothing ;  you don't  worry  my girl, so  much
the educated  girls, these  days   are  so  rude     and  almost  without  heart
I  asked for  the seat  beside her   in  the  speeding  bus
She  told  me  --'go  ahead ; it's  Ladies  seat  and  sternly rejected  my  urge
These  are  now the  educated type --------what !!  what  happened  to  you m my girl
it  is  not  much   hurt  that is  paiful  to  me  ---   but .....well,where  you   goingso  fast  '??

The    daughter ran   and  left the  room  crying   ;  father  did  not  know
where was  the  wound   and  who  was hurt  more  than  him  that  day  does anyone   else  know !
Composed : 1 / 06 / 2014 ; Compressed  from   old  short story  written in 1960-s .

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