Friday, July 25, 2014


   (    A  DOZEN     OF   MY  ROMANTIC   LOVE- POEMS OF  My  Post - Rural  YOUTH   )

Left   no  address  ever ,   ---dear
yet  your  letter  comes    and
even  as  if  ,  stirred  up  wind  laughs  out  !

Ever  I  keep  the  doors  open
with  lamps lighted  up
maybe ,  even  by  mistake  you  may  come
or   your  presence  in any   subtle  disguise.

Let  the    world  tease  me   telling it  --  a  false  hope
I shall  endure  it  .
When  one   gets    such  Oceanic - love
the  endless  sky    and  light   and   joyous   dancing  waves
all  join  in  unison  like now  !

Somewhere   foot -prints on  shore  , some  when  kissing  breeze
even  now,  within   faithful  me   the   expanding   love.
Even  there,  your    declared  love    on  sky  -blue  Space
though  without  any  name  !

No  address  of  yours  yet  I  know ; that's  why
 I  keep   all  my feeling   locked    up  within
Maybe ,  some  day  shall   know   your  real  place
Or  maybe ,  some  one  will  come  with  your declared  name !

And  with  that  love  and  faith ,- shall  ever remain  awake
For  when Love  is   Oceanic ,  no   lover  can  ever  lie  hidden
I  know  !

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