Thursday, July 24, 2014

MY   ROMANTIC   YOUTH(1950  -------!9700)
((A  DOZEN     OF   MY  POEMS OF  My  Post - Rural  YOUTH   )


I  had  all  my  time   with  me
would be  wonderful   if  you  came , my  love
As  if   my romantic  Soul  is   rolling  over and  back
on  a  spread  out  sheet  of    tropical  straw .
on  the mango trees  , even  on  ground   some  budding
flowers  now  enjoying   this  joyous   time
Like  spread  out umbrellas  ,  some  summer  clouds
float  high  and  around !

If  by chance  I  hear  any    foot-steps   beyond
I  turn  in joy  expecting  you !
Would  be  so   wonderful  if   'it'   was  you

Come  dear , if  your    inner  poise
 remembers   me  too  , now
I  feel    so  much  eager  with over   filled  love
with  all  my  time   beside  me  awaiting  you !
Composed   some  when in  early  1950-s

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