Friday, July 18, 2014

Desiring  ' MOKSHA'  my  friend - or
seeking  final  Liberation  from bondage  of  life
is  it  in  running  away  from
all the  given  obligations  in  Life  ?

Within  the  COSMOS ;  on  It's  Infinite  expanse
where  lies  your  FREEDOM  ? ---tell
when   All  and  Everything  is  bound  in  '  ONE
The  more  you  try  to  escape
 the  more  you  are  pulled  within
The  more  you  separate   out,  the  more  the  'Trap'

Want  to  escape  from  the  bondage  of  living  life
by  isolating  yourself  ,  you  want  to  be  free ?!
Wrong  you  are  my  friend  all  wrong .
Even the    infinite  atoms  are  with  particles  within
Where  lies  your  freedom , -tell
Can  you  deny   all  cosmic   laws   and  float  like birds
or  Newtons  'Grip'  or   Einstein's  Cosmic  ' Law ' !

Suffering  so  often  you  want  to  be  free !
the  hurdle -  race  or  troubling  set-backs of  living
hurts  you !  and  seek  escape  or  buy   your  liberation
Is  it  not ;  this   exiling  life  , --
 the  naked  Retreat   of  a  timid  of  a  timid   one  or
final   defeat ?!

With  no  'Amrit"( Nectar) within
soaked  all  within   with  confusing  flow
you  want  Liberation   with  your   Horoscope
locked  in 'Safe ' !
Or , tell me  dear
can  the   saffron  Robe  be  the   saving  Armor
 of  a   timid  escaping  Soul ?
Better  turn back, friend  and  look  within
With  an  absurd  , suck  and   UN-stable  state
now  more  bound  in  myriad ways .
Better  learn  even  now  to  clean  from  within..

Like  filthy  flies
within  your  Vitals  and  below
all  disturbing  and  degrading   thoughts
while   another  hunger  even  lower  down
with  solid  lust  , - awake   within .

Clean  up  first   and your  stored-up Waste
Why  seek  Liberation  by  running  away  from
realities  of  allotted  Life ? !
Rather  contemplate  and  be  calm
regain  your  'Poise'  once  more
for  the  sake  of   the  DIVINE-and
return  to  your  soul  within .
Composed :  some  hen in  late 1990-s ;Published  in  " The  Geeta  for   Everyday  & Everyone "
Now  submitted  to  the   Editor , Poetry .com .

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