Sunday, December 1, 2013


"Juvenile   above   16  may  soon  be  tried  like  adults " ---The  T. O, I  , Kolkata, Monday , Decembr 2 , 2013 ; Front  page .
" Save  your  kids  from online  predators "  --Times   City ;  The  T.O, I .  "     ''         "       "             "
P  2
Comment  :
I  think , in  the  Urban  life  of  21st  Century  ,  even   boys  and  girls  of   13   or  14   are  more   adults  than    us     of   20 Th.  century , under  the    exposure  of   Cheap  films ,  Ad-s    and  social  media   and  IT - Influence .
While  in USA , I read  the  news ( News journal, DE  or  T.V ) of   a  girl  getting  pregnant  even  at  the age  of  11 ( though  no  record  with  me  now   to  prove )  the  biological  and  hormonal  change  is  so  much  these  days   due  to  advanced  intelligence  and  'information  -outburst '  and  Media - exposures .
This  is  Hormonal -hype  of  Modern  age , - I think  the  logo-s 'ADULTS '   or ' Juveniles'   should  be reviewed ..

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