Sunday, December 22, 2013


Clean up  the   'STABLES'    ; for  He    may  come
the     ' Son  of   God ' or  any  Godly  Son
not   the   billionaire's  Sky -Scrapper  Flat -or 
nor  did ever  on    Roman  Royal - bed 
Let  Colosseum-s  play  it's  Mammon - sport
just  clean  up  all  'Stables ' ;  for, He  may  come 

Crucifixion  was  the   habit  of  the -then Time
Guillotine  the  SYMBOL  of   Evolution - Phase
or ,  'Boston - Tea -  Party ' --  symbol   of  Democratic  theme 
After   the    slaves '  struggles  and  ' Desert- Strife '
No  one  knows  nor   ever   will  know 
the UN-Knowable's whim  or  how  He  plays  his  'sport'
just  clean up  the  Stables ;  for , He  may  come !

Maybe  as   a  ' working  hand   on  a  desert  Land 
or  a  'Royal  kid '   renouncing  even a  throne 
no one ever  knows  the  UN-knowable's  strength  or  style
' as  a thief  He  moves '  even  as the  Scripture  told 
Make  no  Mammon  dis play   or  vulgar  display 
just  Clean up  all  stables   and  wait :  for he  comes !

All  religions    were   born  in  Asia; while  Science in  West
Millenniums  back ;  Now   anywhere  may  be  the  Place 
Just  clean   up  all  Stables   and  also  your  'Heart-s ' !

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