Monday, December 16, 2013



[A Mythological  Tale  Told  <5000 --------------------------------------------------------------------="" .="" back="" bharatiya="" br="" darshan="" in="" nbsp="" vedanta="" years="">
The  best  one  in  Man  ( like God )  was Indra
and  leader  of    Demonic  Man  was  Virochan :
Both  met  ' Prajapati '  - the  creative  lord   under  Divine
and  wanted  to  know  about ' Self '.

That  was   Prehistoric  period  or  'Preaxial  Civilization '  it  seems
or  Premetalic    Age , maybe.
when  no  mirror was known  ; leave  apart  the modern  gadgets

Prajapati  asked  them  both. to   view their  ' Self '
in clear  , still water  in neighboring  pond
and  then  report .
Virochan   came   back  very  much  pleased  to  say
 that  he  saw  his  'Self '    in  water - and
Indra  reported  too .  
And  Prajapoti   told :
' now   go  home   both  and   dress  yourselves  dear
with  best  of   clothes  that   either  one ever  love   so  much
 and  see  again  yourselves  in  water  and  report  me  back .

And  both  of  them  did
Virochan   rushed  back  excited  and over - joyed  this  time
  that he  saw  is  Self  in  his  best  form   ever  and  was so  happy
Prajapati  told - ' now  go  and   enjoy  our  life  '
with your  people .
Indra   was   un- happy  with  the  teaching  of  his  lord- that
his  image  in  good  dress    was    all  about   ' Self' !
And  if  one  was  blind  or  lame  ; that  was  too  the  Self  !

Prajapati  was   very  happy  facing  his  challenge
and  over  the  next  so  many  decades(? 96 yrs )
 the  reality  of  Self , Soul  and   the   Divine
was    taught  to  him .
A long   story  of  Vedanta  edited, compressed    and  presented  in Poetic form .

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