Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cosmology   Vs    Spirituality
[A  Poem  Crafted  Out  of  "** Narada  Bhakti Sutra" ]
Narada  , the  disciple  and   'foreign  secretary' of God
who often   travelled  to  the   Earth, - to  report  events
was  summoned   by  God
to  fetch  a   pitcher-full   of  water  from   certain  Indian village
in ' half-an-hour  time '.
Light-speed  he  rushed  ;  singing  devotional  songs .

In  the  village  he  met   a  very  beautiful  girl
Both  fell  in  love  for  each  other  and  got  married
 and    had off-springs  --and
started   living    so  happily
ever  since  on  Earth .

Time  danced  out  by  so  happily - when
suddenly, ----
 he  got  a 'Mobile  - Call'  from   Heaven :
-"Narada,  it  is   almost  half  an   hour  and
I  am  waiting  still  for   your  presence   before  me
where  is  your sense  of  duty  and  time  !"

Like  a  thunder -bolt  it  struck  him  down
and  he  lamented loud  :
-' Oh  Lord !
It  is  many  decades  I  am  now  settled  on  this   world
with my  wife  and   children - and
it  is  yet that  'half an hour'  back  that
I  left  Heaven  as sent  by  God  !
Oh my  God !
What  is  TIME  , --really !!
Composed : 12 /17 /2013 ; ( Wish,   Einstein   read  this  story    in  the Indian -mythology - book ,  in  his  youth, while  working  as  Patent - office - clerk !

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