Saturday, December 28, 2013


Don't  come  now today  , dear
it is  time   of  distress  and   battle  hard
let me  fight  it  out  alone
as, all  ' real  living'  is  a  lonely  struggle
 or   different voyage !

Why ?!  tell   me why !
should  you  add  up  your  sufferings and  loss  with  me
this   is   another  War  ;    'anoother  way'
within  me
Gain  or  loss
as  uncertain  as  Fate

Why  should  you  suffer  with  me , dear
this  battle  is  my  own
these  days - - -- ---
So much wounded ,  so  often  surrendered
even  with  devotional   ritualistic  treat
and   if  I  wn  in  the  final  round
I  shall  build  our  victory -   !
I  dream !

Please  !
do not   come   to  day  !!
Old  Poem (  Bengali of  8 / 17 /1988 ) :  transliteration  now .

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