Tuesday, December 24, 2013

" INNOCENT, AFTER A DECADE IN JAIL" ----The T.O.I , Kolkata , India, Wednesday , December 25 ,2013 , P 3

And ' Joan  of  ARC '
 discovered   in   'Waste  Land '  of  Eliot  in   West  Bengal
" There are  more  thing  in heaven and  earth  ''  -- once  shakespeare  said.

She  was  just  a  child or  'girl'   when  her   father,  now  found  innocent
was  arrested  as   murderer by  the 'Left  Regime'  or  Govt
or  whatever  you    name   will  smell  the  same !

The  girl grew  up  in the  midst  of  'shame ' , poverty  and   a  degraded  life
with  her younger  brother   to   look  after   and   mother  now a ' domestic help'
She  was only  in class  VII,  when  this  tragedy  came .
and   vowed   to  release her   father as  she  knew him  as  Innocent ,  in  her  heart .

Time  rolled  past;  tears  and  sorrow  and   starvation  was  was  ever with
 she  was  now a college  student  and  tuition  was   her   means
she  refused   to  marry  when  chance  did  came  and  declared    ever  firm
She   will   fight   first  for  her  father's  RELEASE ;  at  all  cost  on any  term .
She    met  a  very  kind  Lawyer  who  studied  the  case   with  intellect and a  kind  heart
explored  all  loop- holes  and  'cracks'   in  the  suit    and  of   that  of  that   Time .

The  father  was  just  a  stark -honest  man ; an artist   and  singer  too
now   after  a  decade  he  is  declared   "INNOCENT"   by   Law ; how  think  all of  you ??
Should  she  have  to  fight  again     to  demand  for   COMPENSATION ; -- tell
should  not  the  Govt , pay   Rs  Ten  lakh-s   or  more  or   ' go to  hell '
No  more   any  legal ;  The  Law  must  pay  it  stat
Though  this  UNIQUE  Tale    is   no    Inspiration  for  a  system   so  corrupt !  

It  reminds   of   a  Fiction   now   by  A.J  Cronin    , long  back  .
I wish  , could  tell  that   in   all  details ; but  time here  I  lack .
I  am   proud  to  live   now  in   HOOGLY  where  such  BRAVE  - SOUL-s  are living  still
I wish   I  can  help  this   'Joan  of  ARC'   and with  God's   help  and  my  will !
Composed : 12 /25/ 2013

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