Sunday, December 1, 2013

"Juvenile   above   16  may  soon  be  tried  like  adults " ---The  T. O, I  , Kolkata, Monday , Decembr 2 , 2013 ; Front  page .
" Save  your  kids  from online  predators "  --Times   City ;  The  T.O, I .  "     ''         "       "             "
P  2
PREVENTIVE (  Journalistic  Verse ).
Forget about    your  good  old  days
or  dream  of  sweet  childhood
for  you  children   or  kids  any way  you  plan
it's  different  Age   and  mood

The  high-tech  Mobile  the  Internet   theme
may  be  worse  than  worst virus
all -occult  threats  are  a  just  'click-distant'
for  your  Internet  dots  and  touch .

Even  B-woods  and  H-woos  are  stored  -   home-wood
or  Ad-s  and   predator's   have  appealing  face
Be aware  my  friend  of  this  deceptive  Age
Any  rose   does  not  'smell  as  sweet '  these  days !
Composed :  12 / 02 / 2013 .

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