Thursday, September 18, 2014

 MY   DIVINE  :   CAN' T  HIDE    TO  ME

My  Divine ,
Can't  hide  to me, any  more
THOU  art    'EXPOSED'
Now   I  know
We , Conscious  Humanity  are  not  REAL
but  a  Game  of  your  EMF   Play
We  are  all  Unified  or  mere   COSMIC -  MIRROR
 for   THY  SELF  - VIEW    and   JOY - or
for  'feed-back'   or  the  result   of   YOUR  CREATIVE    Whim
lake  a    POET  reading   his  own  Poem ;  or   PAINTER  his  painting effect !

UN-less  there  is  CONTRAST   , there  is   no  IMAGING
on  a  SCREEN !
Without   Villains  and  tragedies   Shakespeare's   or   GREEK  Play-s
would  all be    STALE  or  FLOP-S
Conscious  Humanity    is  but  only    your   REFLECTIVE  MIRROR
as  otherwise
being  ever  the  ONLY  ,  my   Divine
YOU   would    feel  ETERNALLY   BORED
like   my  myself  living   alone  and  so long
without my  Playing  Cards  for  a  game  of  'PATIENCE ' !

So  !
Now  , I   understand  YOU , who   ONLY   --' EXIST '
and  we  are  the  PLAY -TOOL   of  THY    CREATIVE  GAME
by  EMF  trick !!

And  I  think ,   God ,  YOU   are  EXPOSED  !
Composed : (  9 / 19 /2014 ) ;  directly  on  Screen .

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