Monday, September 22, 2014

( Based on  my short  story  3  Decades  back )

Two  scholarly friends  X and  Y went  together   to    Himalayan  hills
to  view  the  Sun - Rise  !
each  one  must  must  climb  the  by separate   route   and  meet   at  the  peak
    Then  will come  down  to  the  hill-base  park
and  describe  their   experiences  as  they  climbed  and  saw  Sun -rise .

All  settled, --  they  started

X    was  smart  and  executive  type  ;  and  Y     an  introvert -
The former  desired   to  be  the  FIRST  to  Reach  the top
and  never  rested    looked for    beauties  around .

While Y  half-way  up  found , the  baby  Sun   smiling   bright
he  forgot   the   a  faster  climb  ;  sat  on  a  rock  to  greet  the New-born -light !

Now  Mr  X   climbed  and  climbed   to  beat  his  friend  in  the   Climb  and
was  Panting and sweating   but  kept  up the   climb  for  the  top.
And  forgot    SUN - rise  and  reached  the  Top   first  ;  looked  around
but   his    friend   did  not   climb  to  the  top  yet .
He  came  down   to  the  park  and found his  friend  relaxed  and  smiling  as  if  lighted up !

X ==  you  cold  not reach  the  top ?
y   =  No !  I  did not  try ;  found  the  SUN  Rise  and sat  down  and enjoyed  my  time !
X =  But    You   failed  to  reach  the  top
Y =  So what  ?   Tell me  X  ;  why  we   came  to   the  hill ??
       to  view    SUN -rise   or   be  the  first  to  climb ???
Mr X  the   smarter    and  ever  Number   ONE    was  still  sweating   and  lost  his  words !
The Short  story   compressed  to  a  poetic  form :

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