Wednesday, September 3, 2014


So  interesting
that  God  made  Christians
and  Christians  split  into Catholic-s, Protestants,
 Presbytarian , quackers  and  more

So  interesting
that Allah    made   Muslims
and    Muslims  split into  Shias, Sunni-s, Wahibs
and   all  other names  beyond  me

So  Interesting
that    Brahman  of  Veda
made     Brahma , the  Lord  of  Universe
and  Brahma's  children  split  hence  into
Shiva, Kali, Krishna  Rama  and  so many  others
 as  they  grew

Or , maybe
"Divide  and  Rule" was  not  a   British  Rulers   Way   alone
Perhaps  it  was    a  Cosmic   Law or  Trick
for  a  Creative  Long - Play  !
Who  knows   the  ' Last  sermon '
at  least   I  don't .
04/  Sept . /2014

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