Sunday, September 7, 2014

Shall  come again   through  this  gate  way called  Death
for    so  much    more  yet  left  to  be  stage
So many  more  to  be  crucified
some   lynching  stakes  to  kill
so  many    'lambs'   for    Sacrifice
so  many  Millenniums  waiting
to  make  the  Script  of   Cyclic  Universe
- Complete.

We  have   not  learnt   much  or  enough
Homo  Sa  pi en-s   still  at   Juvenile -heat
Evolution    still  at   mid  script -stage
maybe, next    species  of  replacement
is  not  yet    planned  by lord
for ,  there  is  enough  more  TIME   left  for  Lord !

Shall  have  to  return  through   Exit -door
named  Death
and  through  enacting  simulation  of   more  Re-births .
Nothing  is  known   or   finished  or  Complete  yet
Shall  have   to  come  back  many  more  times
all of    you  and  I  
I  forecast .
Coposed : 08 / Sept.  / 2014

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