Friday, September 5, 2014

My Friend ,  --  if  you  allow  me    dear
may  be  by  mistake  or
 by  predestined   way
we  met  together
at  this  discordant time

The   opportune  time
slipped  past  long long back
Now !  --  this  another   Tome !

On  the  Octave  on    departing  Time
another   vibrating  tune   waves   or  muse
yet,  my  soul   wants  to  sing out
sweet ! - - -  how much  yet  sweet !

Some  exchange  between  us
of  other  higher  love
Not  physical , nor  vital    but
vibration from  soul  melt  down    now
like    dumb  dialogue  of  subtle  world
or  like  fusion    of  Soul-s !

Let  it  be
let  all   material  forms  of  life
reform  and  transcends   and  then
come  back   if  you  can , my dear
to  the non-physical  subtler  plane
to  let  us     declare :
--all this is  not     mirage  n or lost
this  'OTHER  LOVE  "
within  us  !
Bengali   Poem  between ( 2002--2006) :  transliteration now .

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