Saturday, September 20, 2014

Have an (inspirational) feeling that
the whole COSMOS or whatever the other names
is an inseparable Cosmic whole
and really, the only ONE
that only EXIST   or ever will.
All   ideas , even individual experiences of Divisions
are play of Ecetrormagnetic - effectects on Biologic nerves .
I read long time back : the " Buttefly effect' that :
a butter fly dancing in air thousands of miles beyond may cause
a cyclonic storm storm in Phillipine ( or some other site )
by ' Quantuim effect' : and I believe that !
An orange with it's skin pilled off
reveals a dozen smaller segments -highly arranged
That does not make the divisions , - whole
nor any integer out of that ; I know only that much
There is only ONE in whole COSMOS
and all else are divisions or decimals
including us .
I do believe - - - but , can not prove
So what ?? !!

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