Saturday, September 6, 2014


Like  and  ever-growing  amnesia
a  darkening  veil
 descends  down   all - around  me
As if  it  will   cover  up  or  wipe off  all
be  it   love  or  loss
of  any  shape  and  form
and  all    field  of  perception  , - as  wel
I  find no  end  or  span  of   that  boundless
UN-certain  river  -  form

Only   the  other  day
that  golden  morn
and   green    spread-out   of   Nature's
 sprouting  spring !
And    soon  after  now
days  run  and  hide  in   coal -tar  night
wiping off  or  covering  
all  green  thoughts !

Treasured  memories  --all
recede fast  or  get  lost
Like  the    oceanic  waves
that  rush to the shore  one after the  other
just to  wipe  off   lovers'  together -footprints  .
Only  I  remain alone
facing  the  waves !

Even  now  
the  joy-full  promise of  life
is   with  you  and   absorbed  in  play
And  on  my  side
the  Sun-set   puts  down its  bed-spread
inviting  me   to  rest in  another  way  !
Bengali poem  of  2002 -  '06 ; transliteration  now .

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