Wednesday, September 17, 2014

        (  "KUNDOLINI   YOGA "   Indian    'DARSHAN "

IT is easy   to   grasp  if  you  know the  MAGIC  Trick  of    DIVINE
It  is  the  O C T A V E    Notation  or  A-B -C -D -E -F G
covering  from  BASE  of our  SPINAL  CHORD  unto  the  'BRAIN'
and   the   beyond   in  HIGHER  SPHERE !

Let  me  make it  it  easier if U  allow :

A    == for  Life  Center or  animal  base   to  LIVE&  SURVIVE

B  ==  Baisic Bliss  for  SEX --Reproductive  Joy or  Sex

C == CENTRAL  VITAL  FORCE  (Coeliac Plexus )  for Vital  Force  for 'drive  and  Speed .

         Beyond 'Me ' and 'Mine'.
E == Center  for  Self -Expression   and  Communication  and  Conscious  Power  unto  Cosmic
        Intelligence  (  creative  art / Literary  &  visual  Arts /community  Leaders  etc
F == Fore-Head  Center  for   Cosmic Vision(  power  to  SEE  beyond  Visual  Space- Time  like
        Saints, Sages, ,Spiritual   Giants , real  Poets  or  others  alike ).
G = Grand  Unification  with DIVINE    in   SENSE  of   UNITARY  EXISTENCE  Through
       Unification  of  Human Intelligent  Consciousness with  COSMIC  -Consciousness  or Ultimate
       Source , {the  tiny  stream  becomes  the  river  and  merges  in  SEA /OCEAN !}
Scientific Explanation ( Medical  Science :
A   = SACRAL  PLEXUS   For  Survival  &  Existence
B =Bliss  of  Sexual  joy &  Reproductive   continuity    (  Testicular / Ovarian center  with
     infrastructures )
C ==  Caeliac Nerve  -Plexus   for  Vital( metabolic )  Functions
D ==Divines  link  through  S,A.  Node  through  CARDIAC  Center  [  autonomous -
      Connection  with  Parasympathetic ( Vagus  Nerve )  and  Sympathetic  Source  ( Renal Medulla)]
E=Endocrine  Glands  with  Vocal  Chord   for  expressive  Blooming of  Soul  Desire
F ==Intuition-   Power  and Third  EYE  potentiality  through   Endocrine cum Pineal  gland(?).
G = Grand  Unification  by  dissolution  of  body  and  Liberation  of   SOUL  to  reach  the
Composed  on the  basis  of  TANTRA  YOGA  and  my  knowledge  of  Medical Science (  60  Yrs. back ). I claim  to  be  totally Sincere  but  may  not  be   100%  correct  as  written  on the  basis  of  my   memory  at 86 Th.  yrs  of  age  ( no books  consulted ).
*** :  Finally  ; as  I  learnt through  British  system, there  me be  spelling  differences  and as i  typed  with  out  reading  glass , there  may be   some  lapses, Please  edit  and  read.

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