Friday, September 5, 2014

New Age Poetry : Sunset-Love & Eve - Time Muse

Let us  walk  back   by  our   Memory  -Lane
So  mystic  or  predestined   a   meeting
that  'one  day '!

An  introduction  ;  then  some broken  words
our  talks  on    poems or our poetry  -lives
as  if  ;  they  are   the   only    sparkling   gems  of  Living
to  both  of  us !
In-between   some  UN-controlled  pause  or  friendly  smiles
and  finally,   ( your  gift  to me ) a  drop  or  two
of  your  tears  - - - - - -
after my   recitation  of  my  own  poem
[That  richest  treasure  for  my    sensitive  Soul ]
 and  mute  musical  vibrating  waves  ,- swimming
from  somewhere   UN-known !

To  day  on  this   Western   land  on  pacific  Ocean  shore
those   volatile   memories   turn  to   braking   wild - waves
joining  unruly   wind    and    storm
And   in -between ; --  my  memory breaks  or    sink
like  those  surfing , sailing  boats
and  no   one   else ; not  even the World
will  understand my  inner poise !

Yet  to  day  --
I concede  and  leave  some  debt  -
for , my  time   is  shrinking  fast
That  setting  crimson  Sun  has   to  drop
now  or  soon .
And  as yet ,   my  luminous  mind
like   that  crimson  yet  playing  sun -shine
Muse, as  a  symbol  of    this   never   dying
' OTHER    LOVE  ! '
Bengali  Poem  (of   2002+) : Transliteration  now .

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