Friday, September 19, 2014

In Subject  -Object  Science -or
Literary  , theology  , spiritual   or  otherwise
The   Divine or    FIRST  CAUSE   only  can  be  SUBJECT
all  other  sub-divisions  or   decimals -  as we   all  describe   eroniously
are  but  'Object-s'

To  Know  the  ABSOLUTE  objectively
through  Mind  or  Intelligence  is  a CONTRADICTION  by  itself
That's  why the  Question  has  never  been  answered
nor  will  ever  be --or
if  it   could  be  :
there  would  never  be  an  Absolute or  God
 I  assert

 A  God    fully  known   or  Visualized  
is   no  more  GOD or   ABSOLUTE.
For- - - --
THAT  is  the  only  SUBJECT
neither  HE  nor  IT  nor   SHE   or  any Belly -button
in  ultimate  SENSE

Like   the  'STATUE  OF    LIBERTY ' is  also  not
a  BIOLOGIC   Identity
but  the  'SPIRIT '- Lone !
Composed :  9 / 20 / 2014 ;  after  Vivekananda's  "  COMPLETE  WORKS ;Vol  2 ;  p -132

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