Friday, September 12, 2014

This  Planet - Earth
one  of  trillions  maybe, even  zillions
of  fields   for     Evolution   of  Conscious  life
to  reflect  and  express ,  like  through   a  viewing - mirror  
the  Cosmic  Root  of  the  only  EXISTENCE
that  we  now   know  as  DIVINE  !

The  very    term EVOLUTION  is   so  defective   logo
unless  we   admit that    INVOLUTION  of     Cosmos    is  but
the  Counter-  part  or  OBVERSE    aspect  of    the   grand    display    of
the  SINGLE  phenomenon    or  Manifestation ,as we  find
(  not  creation   a synthetic  term  of  the  fact  )
For    CREATION , one  has  to  borrow   elements from  outside  the  Field
and   any idea  of "OUTSIDE"  of     DIVINE  is  all  ABSURD
if  I  am  allowed  to  think .

So!  this  Cosmos  is  the   INVOLUTION- FIELD  of  the  DIVINE
to   express  THAT  BLISS   through  EVOLUTION  -Game
like   an  ARTIST's     joy    his  CANVAS    or
A   Poet's   playing    words   like  on this   Computer - Screen
that  I  did   just  now  !

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