Saturday, September 6, 2014

Even  now     spring  returns 
smiles  or  beacons 
The   desiccated  leaves  of  autumn , - drop 
and    memory    floats  like   broken    clouds 

The    extended   ;  long  long walk 
and    Balance -sheet of  life -time  gain  or  loss
left  yet  U-finished  !
With   that  dwindling    Treasure   or  gambling  with  time
my  life's  shrinking   field   is carrying  on .

In  the  last    scene   of   drop -  screen  show
you  came  , my  dear,   like  a   written  fresh - poem 
some  enchanting  exchange  of   expanding thoughts
and  some  of  them ;    like    inspiring  dream !

That    poetic  separation   is  still  locked up    
within me ;like    sprouting  Spring    those  loving  words
the  poems   we  recited   to  each  other 
and  those  lifting    living -theme !

If   spring  comes  again  or  returns
I  will  whisper  , I  promise :
 whatever  I  got   my  friend  was  more  than  enough
or whatever    I  missed  or  lost    were, -  not   mine
Only  the  play of  waning  Time
that  still   sings   through  the   rhymes- rhythms   of  my  life
even   now   on     my    Sun-set  -Sky  !
Bengali  poems  of   2002  -- '06  period  :  transliterated  now.

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