Friday, September 12, 2014

Matter/energy    is  ever   constant,  Science   long - time -  back   proved
Earth's  wealth  is  also  limited, common  sense   I  think  too approved
you   can't   make  more  wealth , dear Sir  unless   you get it    from   someone
It's  law of  economics ,; Profit-loss  game ; that  Marx   explained  to  every  one
 Amassing   wealth  means   depriving  someone   to  create   difference  in   wealth
The inbuilt  skill  of    some  one    is   stolen    by  clever means   or  another depth

'  It  is   elementary  ,  Watson , said  Sherlock Holmes   in another field  I  know
Can't fill  up   a  pot  unless    put in   from  elsewhere  , I  was  told  long  ago
Like ' obverse -  reverse ' poem  I    wrote  last  time ; it   as  much  true  I  feel
when   you   become  rich  by   cheating  on   labor   or    stealing   some  one's  skill
Mother  Earth    is  also    constant   whichever  way  you  think , - my  dear
It is  impossible  to    get  service    unless  you  make  a  servant ,  I  declare .

It  is  game   and  trick  of  living   World    also    world  of   intelligence  and  greed
who  will  draw  the  balance --where  !  when  all    design  their  separate  need  !
'How  much is    enough '  was  a    beautiful    say  ;  once  I    heard   in  a  film
'All  men    are  equal'   is  a  soothing  proverb ; we  all  are    different  in  our  'Dream ' !

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