Sunday, December 1, 2013


Admit  it  or  not  ;  you  can ' t   deny
nor  any  one  can  prove  I  know
what  is  beneath  or  above  or  beyond  our  reach
none  can  bet  or  vow   i  do  suppose .

If  Quantum  reality  is  ultimate  science
if  Cosmos  is  finally  a Unitary  whole
and  all  manifestations  are  integrated  or  unified  one
it  must  also  be  indivisible  I  feel  in  my  soul.

All   divisions   must  be  our  mental  plan
if  quantum   prepares  all  that's  revealed
as  me   or  you  or  universes  beyond
even  the  designing  of    matter and   life   indeed .

Nothing  in  our  hand   nor  your  clever  tech .
If  Cosmos  play   is   designed  in  sub-atomic way
no  one  can  foretell  our  first  entry  or  last
the  present  --  the  short-scene   of   Cosmic  play .

The  root  ; the  root    ; the  invisible  past
the  seed , the  seed  that  UN-fold  with  TIME
mind  and  intellect  may  have  some  reasoning  tools
the  Cause  and  Effect , -- but  invisible  'sublime ' !

Predestined !? -- you  neither  can  prove  nor  deny
the  visible  Universe  is  a   quantum  whole
even  Heisenberg's    Principle  was  but  UN-certain  one
Only , Quantum  Lord    knows  the  ultimate  goal  !
Coposed: 11 / 30 / 2013

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