Monday, October 22, 2012

ABOUT   Phanibhushan:
       by   Umanth  bhattacharya,, Poet, Scholar  , Critic

...' lefft  his  ancestral home , --behind  and  forever,--- yet  brought his  poetic  soul studded  with  evergreen  memories of  CHILDHOOD.  Thus  his  subsequent professional  life or  urbane living,  could  not  eclipse the ' poet'  in him.
   In 1969 his  first  book  of poem  CACTUS was published  with immediate  success. In  1976, DWITYA  BRITTA  and  1977, --MON MAYUR  came out.
   Words  or  the  medium  of a  language   alone  was  soon    found  not  enough  to  give  expression  to his  many  sided  CREATIVE  ideas.  He took  up  another new  medium  i.e WASTE  WOOD with  their  root , branches  , cracks  , holes ,  knots &  twists, -- and  through them  --another world of  intensely  VISUAL  and  Creative..... Between  1979 and 1885  , had  six Major EXHIBITIONs  of   NATIONAL level in CALCUTTA and  DELHI  with  UN-parallel  success and  loudest  possible  acclaim  from  critics  and  public ( with out-flow in foreign Journals.)
The  English  translation  and publication of  his   poems  in prestigeous  Editions like INDIAN  VERSE (1979), THE ALBUM   OF  INTERNATIONAL   POETS(1981)  are yet  other  peaks and  proof  of his  transcending the  barrier of  Language to  reach  the  wide  world.
        -----------------------( By  Umanath Bhattacharya  ( DOB  1904), Poet, scholar , Critic..
"  I  do  not  attempt  to translate  any  poem  unless  it has  INTRINSIC Poetic  beauy abd  appeal " ---  Umanth  Bhatacharya , 1982 .

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