Thursday, October 25, 2012

Part  I of  2

In childhood , -- playmates  came  but I was  introvert  boy
they all got fed up  and  left , then   went their  self -planned way
 I never tried  to  get  them  back  ,  i was  of a rural  set up
even  , otherwise  those  I   sought as friends , did  not like  my ways
with failure, set backs  , I came back  and  remained on my ever to myself
Since , neither I  found  them  nor , ever,  they  sought  me out.
While  growing  as  a  boy, I  with my  bow,  arrows  and  sling
the  birds , the  fruits  or  any thing  I  aimed ; I  played  with  any thing
 the  fruits, even , refused  to respect  my aim and the  bird  never  honored  my skill !

Then almost as a  young , grown,  on  my  mufassil  road
 the  girl ! ; --the  girl  ,-pasted on  road  side  window , even  a little  bold
looked  and  wanted  to let  me know - her  presence  with looks and smile
but  ever failed , as i was   tongue-tied and , rural and shy
 even   otherwise ,  not  being  a beauty , she  could  not  attract  me  much
I  even  told  my  friends  about  her   shapeless Face  and made , even  some  jokes
 Maybe, with  defeated  love  and  her  tears  joined  rose to,   floating  high
  enriched  made them  darkening  clouds , to  weep  down like  monsoon rain
 no 1  that  was  not the  age  to  remember   or  any way, sympathise !

A few  steps  forward  on  advancing  life --some  young   girls    allured  me
even  some ' dream -girls' from  rich   windows, -  played   me  kite- like , I admit
 I  flew  high, or  whirl round  , even  fell down   or was  dropped
 their  romantic  Past-time played their ways and  i was not  settled  any where
 and  my  frustration,  my  failures  like  expanding  summer  drought
 affected  also  my  dream and desire ,; nothing  happened  any when ,- as thought   !

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