Friday, October 19, 2012

By  Gajanan Misra 

Triratna of Jagannath temple Jagannath
Balabhadra and Subhadra symbolise 
The triratna of Buddhism Buddha Dharma
And Sangha .
Buddha has been addressed as Jagannath
In Gyanasiddhi a treatise of Vajrayana .
In the image of Jagannath a tooth of Buddha
Has been preserved in a cavity and in
Nabakalebar ceremony this sacred tooth
Is transferred to a new image
The car festival of Lord Jagannath is a
Reproduction of the tooth festival of Buddha
The name of Puri is Dantapuri 
Jagannath Puri has been built on 
The ruins of a Buddhist stupa . 
Referece Value +++  

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