Friday, October 26, 2012

Part  IV

All these  mutterings , like  soliloquy, may  not   reach  many  souls
Now,   friends  let me know -, to  console , -I  am  well established  now
have  some  positions, worthy name --even  bits  of  fame
some  success , even   influence , perhaps
 yet  my  investments  all , play , often  tricks with me --as  if
I  am  some  pawn ,   even  some knight -- on chess-Board, -  still useful to  some !

My  floating mind, my  feelings  fear  no  leash  , no chain
  and  sometimes  these  days ,  I am  not  writing   anything
  And for  quite  some  time ,   now , I  have  no  appetite  for  Art  or  sculpture, too
even  for  poems  are.  receeding   silently    sometime , --when  like  addict
 I  used  to  roam in wild  fr   finding  out  hiding   expressions in  dead wood
with  cracks , bend , even holes , even  worm-eaten  and  coded  message !

 Sir , mr  Editor , please  tell me  now
 Is there  any  sense  in your  asking for  Long  poem from  me
 Or  should    the  long  poem , ever, be  very  long  indeed
 Or  to ask you  in another way, --getting  long  to longer
does  a  very  long  poem ever  remain , really , POEM ?
And ,  I  admit  ---ihad  no long  poem  before  you  asked  for  it

Lie  an introver snail,  slow  and shy , i  ever desire  to  express
 in  Comprssion  or  live  for  shor, --like  a  mornig  blossom
 getting  shrivelled  by  summer  heat!
 that   why   I  mostly  prefer  to express myself --in lyric  !

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