Thursday, October 25, 2012

( Transliteration  from  original  Bengali   04/01/1981)
Part  II --concluded.

Anything  that  happens  in a poet's  life , is not  for  readers  to  know
Anyway, and  long  after , I desired  some  times  to  meet   the  Ocean  sometimes  some where
 where  azure    SKY , bending  down  ,  kisses  the  the  Horizon- lips  of  Ocean  beyond !
Where  the  morning  SUN , like  vermilion- dot  on the  forehead of a Hindu  married   Girl
dazzles  bright  !
Where    myriad  of  love-sick   Sea-waves  dance  like  wild  playful    up-surge !

Even  other wise , I dreamt  of so many  ways of romantic voyage  --like
my  climbing  to  Himalayan Range and  height ,   where  the  cerulean   eye  of  sky
like lover's look --- invites !
Or, where the height and  peak ,  like  young  lovers  offering  bosom,-   bold  and  pure  like  temple -crown ,  ever  expressive    of  loving  Life !

After  all these  romantic  dreams  in life , my  travelling   path   ever  pulls me  and  distract !
 yet  I  do not  know :
Like my   childhood   playmates
like the  restless  dreams  of  boyhood
like  the  failures  of a young  lovers  life
or, like the  introvert  obstinacy  and  contracting  way  of mine
in my  next  voyage  --some  day or in  any  other  way
will lead  me  to  any  of   my  desired  destination
 Or , shall  ever  not  !

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