Friday, October 26, 2012


( 1980-s :  Some Editor   of  a  Magazine (DELHI)  requested  me for  a  Long  POEM  and   I  tried .
 Long poem  is  not  , usually  my  own choice .  .....Transliterated  from Original  Bengali )

 Mind  and  feelings  have  no  restraining   belt
 as Tribals /  Aborigins  have no   concrete   steps
 or  cemented  Foot-Path
 I , though , have  lots  of  thoughts  and  feelings
yet  , they  have no restraining  straps   --for me

Just  now,---I  am  on  an  arm-chair on my  balcony
and have  built-up  an  environment of  my own   choice
As  a  person , my  friends  think  of  me as a  many  sided ' some-one' --
 though  I  know , I  have  not  even   'any--sided '  skill  or  desire , as  much .

Many  years  now , I  am  living  in the capital  city
 At  a  distance  , -a  crossroad :    I view  the life of  metropolis
and  even the  commercial life  of  a  local market
I look and  enjoy  and even can  feel  --
 Quite  far a  wild tree  blocking the  sunset -view
My  tea  in   the  cup  is  now cold  by  distraction of mind
 Like  the   expended  leaf  of a  Calender,-- I even , some times  feel  of  myself
-a bit ' out-dated'  or   off  the  modern -life . .
 The  time-bitten  cover  of the  book beside  me,
 with  fading face  of  some  famous   writer   of   yesterdays
teaches   me   now  , --all  about  Entropy .

 Yester night ,  for  two    long  hours  the  light  went  off
 Load-shading   night
 Now the  dark-nights  can't  frighten me  any more
Rather  ,  I  am  scared  of  noisy  , crowded  city -life  , these days !
(  page  one  of  four)

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