Saturday, October 27, 2012

(1974 :  this  was  my  ever  first  visit  to  meet  the  OCEAN  at   Marina Beach  , Madras, India .
the   poem  was  written in Bengali  the  same day ;  now  rendered into  English  for  poetry .com )

What  a  Romantic  sight  !
Standing  on your  BEACH;  meeting  face  to face
Eye to  eye   like  some  Lovers'-  meet ;   this lucky  early  morn
witness ; -----the  rising  Sun !
 My ever first  meeting   YOU  ,  my  OCEANIC  LOVE  !
 The  thrill  , the joy  of meeting  thus
 yet  ye are  so  vast ! ---stretching  thyself  so much  !-- unto the  horizon- SKY
 What  a  great  surprise  !
 At  a  distance   far  beyond;  the  coconut -  garland  green,-- like pearls
round your  neck ; ----what a  sight !
 with  rising  Sun  , like   vemilion -treat  on thy  glowing  forehead
 my  OCEAN ;  my  LOVE  !

Yet   afar  and beyond
the  waves  are  groaning   beyond and  breaks  on land --but why
 is  it some  pending  grief ;  some  lamenting  loud   in-spite ?
 As if , the  whole  sub-continent  is  weeping  , --sick
 What  a  resounding  grief
 Do  you  want  that  we the  human-s  too
  be  so vast  and  deep  as  you !

Listen  dear ;  listen  to me
 why  you  don't understand  this  much
 being  or  reamaing  like  you, --through out  Life
 was never  gifted  to  us  by the   Divine
 Look there  on your  lap ---helpless  struggling  Fisher-men
 sharp  and  determined  in their  Fishing -search
 like  the  mythcal  Arjun,,-- pin -pointed aim
 yet their fate  and  boats  get  sunk by    stormy  ruthless wind.

Now  there  , on your  Oceanic  horizon  rise  your  promising  Sun
 And  this  World  would be   so much  blessed , --if  we  got
 a   glorious  SON ,---like yours  !
*Arjun  the Mythologic  'Sharp -shooter  of   Mahabharat-Time .

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