Wednesday, October 10, 2012

If you  can  catch the  meaning , -  Enough for  me  ! the  time that I have to take  to check  spelling  gives  me time  to write a  short  poem !
spelling ?  it is  ever  changing  face of a 'Logo'
From shakespeare-time  through imperial, feudal  England  tp  present USA , spellings have  never been   the  same.
American  spellings  and British spellings  are , even, so  different ,
And, -- I never  wanted to be  a 'Spelling -Bee'.
G.B.S  told  once , through one of his  Plays ( Arms & the  Man ) -  Dialogue :Napoleon :  What  language  they ( Americans )  speak / ///  ... Reply ; " they call it  English, Lord !".

I  think  and it  seems, in   21st  CENTURY  INDIA,  CORRUPTION  IS  NOW  A  'MIND-FULL" Joint  and Unified  Planned  PROCESS  at  POLITICO - LEADERSHIP   LEVEL.
And  our  top  most  leader, I think , deserve  the  greatest  Credit / Dis-credit , what ever  way  it is  defined ,
Yes  Our  PM  may and  should  , I think ,  scan his present  'IMAGE'  without  'Make-up'.
(under  Right  to  Free  Opinion )

Even  Shakespeare   is --no match  to  Shylocks   now
need  2  years  more  to  survive    -some how
or--  the  ' ponud  of flesh '   or  another SCAM
 is  the  hidden   greed  of   the  canine Vanp.!

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