Friday, October 26, 2012

Part III
Once  in  childhood , my grandmother,  putting  her  bless-full   hand  on my  head
told  me --that ,  I  had  no  chance  of  being  alive as :
on the Seventh  month of  life I  was ' declared  Dead'(almost) and
my  eldest  uncle  was waiting--------------------------
after  digging  my  burial  pit  on our  canal side, counting my  gasping  last
but  I  eluded  DEATH  and am  living  now
I am LIVING  now !;  Really ?!
This  very  thought  is  so much  amusing  to  me--and
 more many times  in my  life  I  have searched the  meaning  of  the word  --"Living"
 in   Dictionary  of   every  shelf , far and wide  and  even  today
I  do not  know  the   Real   meaning  of  the  word --" Living "
 nor  found  clear  cut  meaning   in  books , all over  the World , --I  roamed .

The  wild  horse --Memory ,respect  no  reign or  whip
yet  life  has   allowed  me  travel , --all  over   the   World -almost
 And  I  remember  most , - my  maternal Uncle's  house,  my  childhood  World
 on  river -bank side.
 No they were   not  rich but  had  a  very  wide  River rear their  house !
 Even  unto  boyhood , I  walked  alone  , to  that  River -bank
 and  looked  and  looked  ,-spell-bound !  - at the  milk-white  floating  clouds , in white
on the  light-blue   endless sky;
The  boat-men  sailing  with packed  air in sail, while  singing
 in deep  sonorous  voice ,-- those  **'Vaatiaalee'  songs. affecting me  so  much
 though  that was not  the  age , to  grasp  any meaning  of their  songs  !
Yet, the  musing  stereo  voice  would  covey  so much  with no need  of  meaning , any kind
and --with  a  back drop  of  silvery  dancing  river, the   flying  cloud , the  bluish  vast  sky
boatmen so much  alive in  songs  !
 Even  to day, I can  smell that  earhly  muddy  smell  betwix my hands
 That river ,  even to-day , comes often in my dream-
that  fullness  of  my  childhood happy  life
was snatched  and  but
chered  by  mamon  and Shylock  greed
 of  our  Political   Dice-game  and the  WORLD War  II. !
and  severed  my  Mother-land  into   TWO  ! !
** River-song  of   the-then  EAST  BENGAL.

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